phios ag


Klaus Studer

Managing Director | CEO

As a graduate electrical engineer, Klaus earned a lot of laurels in the management of software projects over the last ten years, without neglecting development work. He likes to spend his free time on the rocky ridges of the East and West Alps or the Himalayas.

Accordion Content

• Handshake quality
• Time with my faimily
• Astronomy
• Mountain hikes with a kick and few people
• Ski tours
• Electric Guitar
• Straightforwardness

• Dishonesty
• Unreliability
• Waste of time
• Laziness
• Traffic jams

Lucia Studer

Chief Financial Officer | Software Engineer

Lucia, a studied computer scientist and business economist, is from the beautiful Walsertal – just like Klaus. In addition to her work and volunteering for the mountain rescue service, she is always up for an adventure in the mountains. The tendency to go to extremes is probably anchored in her genes.

Accordion Content

• Reliability
• Mountains
• Nature
• Good books
• Her boys
• Music
• Good food and good wine
• Cosy evenings

• Unpunctuality
• Show-offs
• Dishonesty
• Sleepless nights
• Driving at night in heavy fog

Klaus Flatz

Technical Lead | CTO

The other Klaus – also known as K2 – is from the Bregenzerwald and has many years of experience in software development, despite his youthful appeareance. He is responsible for requirements engineering, technology, design and architecture. In his spare time he spends a lot of time outdoors with his bike, skis or rope – the main thing is to get up and down as steeply as possible.

Accordion Content

• Mountain biking
• Snow
• Festivals
• Rides with my VW T5
• Spontaneous Ideas

• Apple sauce
• Frozen fingers
• Smartypants
• Taxi rides

Fabian Kühne

Software Engineer | UX Engineer

As a local “Egger” (a town known for its award-winning beer) Fabian has a long way to work and therefore travels by electric car. Despite his young age he has extensive experience in (web-) development, also for mobile devices. After years in the combat team, he now continues his football career in a more relaxed manner in the reserves.

Accordion Content

• Variety in the job
• Challenges
• Birthdays of my team mates (that means cake)

• Bad mood
• Unpunctuality
• Too much cheese on the pizza

Johannes Barta

Software Engineer | Software Architect

As a passionate technician Johannes brings along many years of experience in software development as well as solid hardware and system knowledge. His communicative and energetic manner is well received by colleagues and customers alike – only on Thursday mornings he is sometimes a bit quiet.

Accordion Content

• Common sense
• Clean Code
• Hiking
• Wakeboarding
• Cold beer
• Charcoal barbecues

• Traffic jams
• A broken coffee machine
• Untested code
• Waiting for updates

Johannes Türtscher

Software Engineer

Johannes – aka Johnny – supports our team as a software developer, where he puts his knowledge and enthusiasm for technology into practice. Besides working in front of the keyboard and screen, Johnny likes to spend his free time on the volleyball court or on the beautiful ski slopes of Vorarlberg.

Accordion Content

• Meat loaf
• Empty streets
• Beer
• Beautiful women

• Slow drivers
• Arrogance
• Vegetables
• Tequila
• Heat

Alberto Gregorio

Software Architect

Alberto is from beautiful Galicia (Spain) and holds a degree in Computer Science from the University of A Coruña. He successfully brings his many years of in-depth software knowledge to our projects. Having lived in Vorarlberg for several years, Alberto also maintains good contacts in the Bregenzerwald.

Accordion Content

• Kebab
• Heavy Metal
• Functional and reactive programming
• Board games
• Beer

• Mushrooms
• Schlager and Pop
• Spaghetti code
• Soccer
• Whiskey

David Martin

Embedded Systems Engineer

David is from Raggal and successfully applies the skills gained in his studies of computer science for PHIOS AG. He also likes to be close to the hardware. Besides his voluntary engagement in the mountain rescue service, he boulders and climbs on a similar level as his famous namesake, Mr. Lama.

Accordion Content

• Challenges
• Climbing
• Music
• Variety
• Mountains

• Climate change
• Bugs
• Traffic and red lights
• Racism and intolerance
• Bad food
• Warm beer
• Superficiality

Martina Wiederin


Martina takes care of the big and small problems around the office as well as administrative tasks. In her free time she likes to be out and about with her dogs and keeps the business going at the pension/inn Maria Grün in Frastanz (editor’s tip!).

Accordion Content

• Tolerance
• Good discussions
• Humor
• Dogs
• My motorhome
• Denmark

• Superficiality
• Injustice
• Factory farming
• Apple
• Brussels sprouts
• Shoveling snow

Patrick Oberbacher

Software Engineer

Patrick is passionate about his work as a software developer and puts his many years of experience to good use. He has perfected the fast finger play on the keyboard and also likes to rock the guitar with his band. In addition, he spends a lot of time climbing, bouldering, skiing or playing tennis .

Accordion Content

• Mountains
• Bouldering
• Barley soup
• Music
• Beer

• Big cities
• Potato Goulash
• Moths
• “Sunday” drivers
• Non-alcoholic beer
• Slopers while climbing

Patrick Jenny

Software Engineer

Patrick is from the Walsertal, more precisely from Marul. During his studies he already supported our team at PHIOS AG. Even then, he was able to unleash his potential and has since been in great demand as a full-stack developer with strong DevOps know-how. In his free time he coaches a U11 soccer team and volunteers for the fire fighters.

Accordion Content

• Soccer
• Fire fighters
• Mountains
• Town festivals

• Stress
• Stress
• Stress

David Schäfer

Embedded Systems Engineer

One of David’s hobbies is programming – so where would he be better off than with us? Without a doubt, he has what it takes. In his spare time David sometimes exchanges the clicks of the keyboard for the clicks of the carabiner in the via ferrata.

Accordion Content

• Longboard riding
• Programming

• Bugs
• Bluescreens

Simon Frick

Software Engineer | Scrum Master

Simon has gathered a wide range of experience in software development and project management over the past years, also due to his enthusiasm for everything technical. Besides spending time behind the drums he likes to be in the nature, for example cycling or hiking.

Accordion Content

• Nature
• Rock and Metal music
• My wife’s cake

• Boredom
• Bad food
• Humorless people

Florian Gopp

Software Engineer

Florian can already look back on many years in software development. He works in our projects in the backend as well as in the frontend. In his spare time he likes to be in the mountains and volunteers for the fire fighters.

Accordion Content

• Honesty
• Traveling
• Beer gardens
• Cheese
• Long bike rides
• Mountains
• Lonely ski tours

• Inflexibility
• Licorice
• Traffic jams
• Annoying advertising

Lukas Kathrein

Software Engineer

After several years of training in Vienna, our Tylor ambassador settled in the beautiful Walgau region and met like-minded people in love with technology at PHIOS. He prefers to live out his passion for coding in the backend, but he doesn’t shy away from frontend code either. In his free time he enjoys the mountains. Whether on foot, on the rope or on skis, the main thing is to have a cold beer when he gets home.

Accordion Content

• Typified languages
• Clean Code/Architecture
• Reading
• Whiskey
• Sport
• Desserts
• Rock & Soundtrack Music

• Dependency Hells
• Zucchini
• Unpunctual & unreliable people
• Alarm clock snooze
• Boredom
• Plastic packaging

Alexander Zelger

Software Engineer

Alex graduated from the HTL Bregenz in the field of automation technology and during this time he also noticed that he has a great interest in programming. He also likes to play billiards with friends and loves to play video games every now and then.

Accordion Content

• Lasagne
• Pizza
• Coffee
• Music
• Games
• Relax on the beach

• Spinach
• Traffic jams
• Home assignments
• Crashes

Jordan Türtscher

Software Engineer

Jordan grew up in the Great Walser Valley (Großes Walsertal) in the agricultural environment of a farm and alpine pasture. From a young age, he has been actively playing soccer for the SPG team Großes Walsertal. In the meantime together with Daniel. Young and enthusiastic about sports, he has already completed an HTL education in electronics and computer science. So he supports the PHIOS team as a software developer in the front- and backend area. He spends his free time with friends, doing sports or helping his parents in agriculture.

Accordion Content

• Play soccer
• Skiing
• Good food
• Listen to music
• Spend time with friends and family 
• Nature
• Hiking

• Boredom
• Marzipan
• Schwenda (clean up alpine pasture)
• Being ignored by others

Daniel Müller

Software Engineer

Daniel comes from Ludesch in Walgau. Since he has always been fascinated by modern technology, he attended the HTL Rankweil with a focus on electronics and computer science. At PHIOS he is a software developer with a current focus on the backend. He likes to spend his free time with his family, friends and doing sports. Together with Jordan he plays soccer for the SPG Großwalsertal team. He also enjoys listening to music, visiting concerts and foreign countries.

Accordion Content

• honesty
• electronic music
• exciting/new technology
• soccer
• time with family and friends
• traveling
• cocktails
• spontaneity

• pessimism
• lockdowns

David Küng

Software Engineer

David comes from the beautiful village of Plazera in the Great Walser Valley. In his free time, he enjoys playing soccer in the summer and skiing in the winter. Due to his great interest in computers, David decided at a young age to attend the technical college in Dornbirn with a focus on IT and then graduated from the IT College in Imst. He works in our team as a software developer.

Accordion Content

• Raccoons
• Fotography
• Skiing
• Ski-touring

• Spiders
• Traffic jam
• Schlager music

Daniela Gantner

Project Manager | Scrum Master

Daniela lives in sunny Satteins (pronounced as “Settaas” in the local dialect) and holds a degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Business Psychology. With her experience in the areas of project management and organization, databases, agile development processes and IT support she is an invaluable asset to our projects. In her free time, she likes to exercise in the fresh air, preferably on her mountain bike (without battery!). However, she would rather spend winters in the tropics or the Caribbean.

Accordion Content

• Sun and heat
• Eat and drink
• Nice people
• Nearly all animals
• Straightforwardness
• (Hard) Rock
• Biking and running

• Winter
• Driving – neither with or
  without traffic jams
• Boredom
• Spiders
• Celery, turnip cabbage and fennel
• Garbage and waste of energy

Stefan Vögel

Managing Director PHIOS Austria

As a graduate electrical engineer specializing in computer technology, Stefan fits ideally into the PHIOS team. He has gained his diverse practical experience in software development for plant control systems as well as worldwide installations at industrial companies, in the fields of consulting/strategy services, greenhouse gas and energy balancing (consulting and software), up to energy management/electricity.

Stefan’s private life means ventures with his two children, traveling and sports.

Accordion Content

• making a contribution
• enthusiasm, joy and humor
• Spain – from people to food, landscape etc.
• sports (skiing/snowboarding, running, mountain biking etc.)
• Renewable energies (and their efficient integration into the energy system through intelligent software systems)
• goal-oriented cooperation
• cooking and eating well

• complaining
• lengthy position taking
• unclear or delayed communication
• non-renewable energy
• waiting for decisions
• selfishness

Rene Kofler

Software Engineer

Rene grew up on Lake Constance in Lochau and came to Nenzing via a detour through Dornbirn and Krumbach (in the Bregenzerwald). So he already had 3 of the 4 possible Vorarlberg license plate abbreviations on his car. After his studies at the University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg he gained 10 years of professional experience as a software developer at a bank and web developer in a digital agency. In his private life, the young head of a family can be found on excursions with his family or playing sports.
Accordion Content

• Learning new things
• Planning
• Flag Football
• Crossfit
• Podcasts

• Apricot dumplings
• Unpunctuality
• Doing something on the off chance
• Sports injuries

Efdal Erter

Software Engineer

Efdal, also known as Efe, comes from the city of Dornbirn, but his true home is in Liechtenstein at PHIOS. After graduating from HTL Dornbirn and pushed by his enthusiasm for front-end development, he jumped straight into the working world and started at PHIOS. In his free time, he likes to go to the gym and also does martial arts.

Accordion Content

• Gym
• Martial arts (Muay Thai / Kickboxing)
• Music
• Kebab

• My allergies
• Negativity
• Unpunctuality

Gabriel De Lamo Dutra

Software Engineer

Gabriel comes from the shoe-factory city of Elda, Alicante. Gabriel has studied Computer Engineering at the University of Alicante and would like to be able to make applications that can be useful to others and allow them to live better.

He considers himself a friendly person, who likes to work in a team and has no problem in accepting more responsibilities as long as he can get the job done. In his spare time, he likes to teach chess and meet up with his friends to play Street Fighter and enjoy a good dinner.

Accordion Content

• Helping others
• Good sense of humor
• Cats
• Chess
• The beach
• Fighting (video)games cooperation

• Dishonest people
• Cold winters
• Impunctuality

Miguel Martinez Lerin

Regional Manager | Software Engineer

Miguel has been using computers since he was 5 years old, almost born with a keyboard in his hands.
Born in Valencia (Spain) and pasionate about working and making day to day stuff easier or more automatic using tecnology, at home for himself or for other people
If there is a new Marvel or superhero movies he will probably be at the cinema with his friends on the release date to avoid spoilers, hate them!!

Accordion Content

• Laugh
• Food
• Electronic music
• Games
• Traveling
• My cats
• Movies

• Mushrooms
• Sea Food
• Octopus and all his cousins
• Lies
• Lack of communication

Johannes Lang

Embedded Systems Engineer

Johannes comes from the beautiful village of Röthis (Austria) and started his professional career at a manufacturer for automation technology in Tosters. During a long-term stop at a well-known manufacturer of measuring instruments for electrical power systems he finished his master’s degree in computer science at the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences via the second educational path. He likes to work with embedded systems and needs the contact to electrical engineering. In his free time Johannes likes to be out in the fresh air. In winter, he rides a splitboard, which elicits a sardonic smile from skiers when he ascends but turns into envious glances when he descends.
Accordion Content

• Cats
• sports (snowboarding, climbing, bouldering, mountaineering)
• travel

• Being chased by E- bikers
• Whiteout

Denis Felst

Software Engineer

Denis comes from the volcanic Canary Islands, specifically from Tenerife. Because of his admiration for business and technological products, he decided to study software engineering, eventually landing at PHIOS after some time. In his free time, he enjoys playing football as a goalkeeper, meeting friends, having coffee with something to read, and taking advantage of his free days to travel or discover the infinite corners of Valencia.

Accordion Content

• Nutrition and health
• Cooking
• Football
• Beach volley
• Interesting business ideas
• Design patterns

• Coriander
• Slow bureaucracy
• Lack of commitment
• Learning French
• Cold coffee

Kaspar Meusburger

Software Engineer

Born in the beautiful Bregenzerwald, Kaspar moved to Vienna to study electrical engineering. It couldn’t have been a better fit for a Wälder in Vienna, to be part of the PHIOS team, which is full of people from Vorarlberg and has an international character. Thus, perfect conditions to get started professionally. In his free time Kaspar pursues one thing above all: climbing. Whether on rock, ice, with or without a rope, it doesn’t matter to him. The main thing is outdoors and steep.

Accordion Content

• Motivated people
• Authenticity
• Pasta
• Classical music
• Road trips

• Laziness, Sloth
• Dishonesty
• Big mouth but nothing more than warm air

Gustavo Lage

Software Engineer

Born in the hills of Minas Gerais, Brazil, Gustavo always had a deep interest in all things computer-related. He graduated in information systems in 2010, and after six years working in the IT sector in Brazil, he moved to Portugal in search of new adventures. Now settled in Valencia, Gustavo is embracing all the culinary delights and outdoor fun the city offers.

Accordion Content

• Long chats over a good bottle of wine
• Secrets of the universe
• Açaí
• Spending time in nature

• Public speaking
• Big crowds
• Tardiness

Marlene Macek

Human Resource Manager

Marlene comes from beautiful Vienna. She worked there for a long time in social management and corporate communications. She now lives in Switzerland and enjoys the country life in the small village Sax near the border to Liechtenstein. As HR Manager she is responsible for growing the PHIOS family and is available to all employees as a contact person for HR topics. She loves to spend her free time with her son and her family. She likes to always educate herself and get to know new places and people. She enjoys singing karaoke, loves to travel and does yoga to relax.

Accordion Content

• My family
• Horror movies and series
• Chocolate
• Sun, beach and sea
• Honesty

• Driving a car
• Tomatoes
• humorless people
• spiders
• standing in line and waiting

Jeannine Märk


Jeannine lives in Muntlix, Vorarlberg. She lives in the countryside with her family and enjoys every second with her two little boys. In addition to country life, she loves to travel, whether far away to Australia or a city trip around the corner, for which Jeannine is always available. In Vorarlberg, she likes to go hiking and meets her friends for a glass of Aperol Spritz.

At phios, she is responsible for the well-being of the team as a team assistant, she plans events and meetings and supports the office organization.

Accordion Content

• Travel
• Good food
• Going out with friends
• Turtles
• Helpful, honest people
• Foreign languages spoken

• Selfish people
• Dishonesty
• Dispute
• Solstice beetles

Raphael Lins

Software Engineer

Raphael graduated from the HTL Rankweil in the field of electronics and technical computer science and developed a great interest in programming. He also enjoys programming his own small projects in his private life. In his free time, besides programming, he likes to ride his mountain bike or spend time with his family or friends.

Accordion Content

• Riding a mountain bike
• Programming
• Spending time with family and friends
• Laughing
• Helping others

• Negative thinking
• Unmotivated people
• Unpunctuality
• People who scroll continuously on social media platforms

Benjamin Hauser

Software Engineer

Benjamin, or simply Beni, comes from beautiful Rankweil. Directly after graduating from high school he joined PHIOS as a software developer and works in both the front-end and back-end areas. In addition to the keyboard, he also plays the piano, the saxophone and the accordion. He spends most of his free time on the computer. Together with his friends, he implements various projects in the field of software development – including the PHIOS toast configurator 😉

Accordion Content

• Coke (the “real one”)
• Chocolate
• Cake
• Schnitzel
• Pizza
• Musik

• Disrespect
• Unreliability
• Disorder
• Pointless discussions

Semih Can Burcak

Software Engineer

Semih successfully completed the HTL Rankweil in the field of electronics and computer science. It was there that he discovered his passion for programming. After graduating, he quickly entered the world of work and eventually found his place at PHIOS. In his free time, he enjoys researching various topics and spending time with his family.

Accordion Content

• Courtesy
• Reading
• Spending time with family

• Impoliteness
• Traffic
• Wasting time

Carlos Martínez Martín

Software Engineer

Carlos was born in a town near Madrid and discovered his calling as a web developer after emigrating to Germany. Whenever he can, he feeds his creative spirit by learning new challenges and discovering new cultures. This has led him to have a long list of hobbies, among which percussion, audiovisual creation and table games stand out. You will always find some pet hair on his sweatshirt.

Accordion Content

• Sunsets in front of the sea
• Crafts
• Dogs
• Spontaneous plans
• Decorate his house
• Laugh until I run out of breath

• The sound of a teenagers motorcylce
• Cold
• Chunks in yogurt
• Spiders

Tobias Zech

Software Engineer

Tobias is a Feldkircher by choice with roots in Nenzing. He discovered his passion for software development quite late in life. He gave up his commercial career after the HAK in Feldkirch to study Medical Informatics at the UMIT in Tyrol. After graduating, he was able to start in the field of web development to offer online photo and large format printing. He then moved on to machine-oriented backend development, where he implemented various projects with customer contact for well over a decade. However, when he realized that he was “atrophying” more and more into a product manager and product owner, he fled to Phios to be able to do a bit more software development again.
Accordion Content

• Creativity
• Family
• Barbecues
• Sauna
• Solving “problems”

• Unnecessary stress
• Only seeing the negative in things

Mikail Yölek

Software Engineer

Mikail, or more often called Miki, comes from beautiful Rankweil and successfully completed the HTL Rankweil in the field of electronics and computer science. His passion for software development began after he deepened his school material at home and pursued his own interests in this area. In his free time, besides programming, he also likes to try new things, spend time with his family or end the evening comfortably with a movie night.

Accordion Content

• Cats
• Spending time with family
• Çay (Earl Grey Tea)
• Honesty
• Cooperativeness
• Good food

• Stress
• Ignorance / Arrogance
• Dishonesty
• Bugs
• Traffic jam
• Too cold or too warm days

Migg Scherrer

Digital & Innovation Officer

Migg is not afraid of any challenge, either professional or private. With his extensive experience, he supports our clients in all aspects of digital transformation and innovation. The computer science engineer with management training acts as a link between the digital and real world. In his spare time he is active in the ultra-cycling scene – those who cycle for several days in a row with practically no sleep. To compensate, Migg also appreciates good food and drink.

Accordion Content

• Positive thinking
• Challenges and goals
• Humor
• Creative exchange
• Teamwork
• Humor
• Nature and exercise
• Endurance Sports
• My wife

• Negative thinking
• Generalizations
• Dishonesty
• Noise
• Headwind
• Punctured tires
• Incense sticks and kombucha

Michael Fichtinger

Software Engineer

Michael moved away from Lower Austria many years ago (although the reasons are still not completely clear) and has found a new home in Mäder. After years of searching he finally found his dream house and used the Corona lockdown for the move. With his distinct penchant for UI design, his passion is web and mobile app development. Thus, he always ensures an excellent user experience for our customers.

Accordion Content

• Angular Coding
• UI / UX Design
• Schnitzel & French fries
• Flip-flops
• Beach Volley
• Empty calendars
• Family

• Standup (Daily) – 

• Fix unit tests
• Seafood
• Toast Hawaii
• Ugly user interfaces
• Winnie the Pooh

Günter Rudigier

Software Engineer

Raised at over 1000m above sea level in the harsh but beautiful surroundings of the Montafon, it was clear to him early on that his future profession would have to be in the field of electronics and computer science. His experience in the areas of production, test equipment construction, HW and SW development covers a very broad spectrum, which he always brings to our projects. In his spare time he tortures his guitar from time to time and also likes to go for a ride on his motorcycle.

Accordion Content

• Family
• Nature
• “Handmade” Music
• Good food
• Honest and straight people
• Dialects
• My job
• A good old party

• People under stress
• Shopping Saturday
• Unreliability
• Apres Ski

Peter Stadelwieser

Product Owner | Scrum Master

Sunnyboy Peter from “Dorobiro” always has a cheerful laugh on his face and thus creates a good atmosphere. He performs his function as Product Owner with a lot of commitment and experience and he always succeeds in forming extremely powerful project teams. In doing so, he does not let himself get upset by (almost) anything. Only in the very rare occasions in which he can’t put on his touring skis in winter due to several days of bad weather lasting… then things can get tricky.
Accordion Content

• Ski touring
• Interurban trips
• Nature
• Family
• Tinkering on my
  camper van

• Dishonesty
• Unnecessary stress

Martin Müller

Software Engineer

Martin is a computer scientist “from the second hour”. Even though he narrowly escaped punch cards, he has had to endure many “horrors” in the field of software development and therefore greatly appreciates achievements such as git, SCRUM, unit testing and the convenience of modern programming languages. Thanks to the diverse experience he has been able to gather over the last quarter of a century, he usually has an idea when things get really “crunchy”… or at least a friend who might have an idea. He is particularly enthusiastic when software meets maths. That’s when the odd night out or even a family outing is sacrificed on the altar of knowledge.

Accordion Content

• Good friends
• My family
• Sailing
• Clean code
• Mathmetics
• Teaching
• Old VW’s

• Discussions about the emperor’s beard
• Laziness
• Arrogance
• Ignorance
• Rude people

Ronny Türtscher

Innovation & Digital Consultant

Ronny discovered an early passion for software development and digitalisation and the endless possibilities that the digital world has to offer. While he once wrote line after line of code and was directly involved in the development of software, he has now shifted his attention to the strategic aspects of digitalisation. The focus today is on promoting innovation and designing digital products and platforms, mostly based on cloud technologies. Ronny firmly believes that the successful future lies in the skilful combination of innovation, technology, user experience and business strategy.
Accordion Content

• Family
• Sport of any kind
• Nature
• Travelling

• Unfriendliness
• Unreliability
• Getting cosy in your comfort zone

Peter Stadelwieser

Product Owner | Scrum Master

Sunnyboy Peter from “Dorobiro” always has a cheerful laugh on his face and thus creates a good atmosphere. He performs his function as Product Owner with a lot of commitment and experience and he always succeeds in forming extremely powerful project teams. In doing so, he does not let himself get upset by (almost) anything. Only in the very rare occasions in which he can’t put on his touring skis in winter due to several days of bad weather lasting… then things can get tricky.
Accordion Content

• Ski touring
• Interurban trips
• Nature
• Family
• Tinkering on my
  camper van

• Dishonesty
• Unnecessary stress

Peter Stadelwieser

Product Owner | Scrum Master

Sunnyboy Peter from “Dorobiro” always has a cheerful laugh on his face and thus creates a good atmosphere. He performs his function as Product Owner with a lot of commitment and experience and he always succeeds in forming extremely powerful project teams. In doing so, he does not let himself get upset by (almost) anything. Only in the very rare occasions in which he can’t put on his touring skis in winter due to several days of bad weather lasting… then things can get tricky.
Accordion Content

• Ski touring
• Interurban trips
• Nature
• Family
• Tinkering on my
  camper van

• Dishonesty
• Unnecessary stress

Company trip 2019 to Barcelona